
هذا الكتاب هو سلسلة من كتابين تعليميين، من إعداد الدكتور مؤمن العنان سنة 1999 وبجهود فريق زاد على عشرين باحثًا يعملون بإشراف. وقد وضع هذا الكتاب ليغطي مهارات التواصل والمحادثة العربية عند متعلم العربية،

تم إنجاز كتاب الخطوة الأولى في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها، بعد أن تجاوزت مدّة نشر الكتاب التمهيدي في تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها العقدين من الزمان انتشارًا عالميًا، وبلغ بكرم الله وفضله عدد المتعلمين منها مئات الآلاف من الأفراد




Dana Sháar

Silsilat Al-Lisan an insightful and innovative book series in the field of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers, which applies the tactic of gradualism in acquiring the basic language rules and helps upgrading the linguistic skills through a variety of texts and various exercises. It offers an extremely well structured, ready-to-use program that enhances the learning process and enables both teachers and students to successfully attain their objective, with lesser efforts and shorter time

Dana Sháar , Paris, France

Veli Gizir

Silsilat al-Lisan is very beneficial, it is based on conversation structure, the unit starts with speaking then moves to other Arabic language skills

Veli Gizir , Sütçü imam üniversitesi Turkey

Ghyath Anis

Lisan Programs & Curriculums was developed by a team of scholars and teachers who came together 20 years ago in Syria. In their early years, they suffered teaching Arabic due to a lack of resources and appropriate curriculum texts. This shortage of resources led them to create their own Arabic curriculum, eliminating mistakes and compensating for shortcomings found in other Arabic language series. They based this series on authentic sources and applied the highest standards of language acquisition of a foreign language. As for their board of directors, made up of the leading Arabic scholars of today, they relied upon them for careful observation and review of the materials. The team worked tirelessly, drawing on their experience, and on their love of Arabic with dedication and planning

Ghyath Anis , Sütçü imam üniversitesi, Turkey

Ayşe Silik

The benefits of this series are numerous. I started studying Arabic with this book and I found it well-organized according to levels. The first book starts with easy vocabulary, short stories and simple expressions. It gradually increases in difficulty and its most distinguishing quality is that it teaches words that are used by Arabs in everyday life. So one develops their Arabic step by step in the correct way. It also contains a good system to teach pronunciation. Every chapter covers a particularly useful topic with its relevant terminology. The author explains fine points and supplies the student with extra information. In addition to this, it contains grammar and morphology. This is a rich book from which I learned the four skills and Arabic grammatical analysis. I haven’t seen so many benefits conjoined in any other textbook for learning Arabic

Ayşe Silik , Imam Khatib High school, Turkey

Dr. M. Ali Hasanoglu

Al-Lisan series has been an important partner in developing the level of our students over the years in teaching Arabic to preparatory year students at Istanbul Aydin University, the task of transferring students between levels is one of the most difficult tasks of language teaching because it requires high standardisation and accurate control of the content, however, our educational outputs demonstrated the normative and structural ability in the tongue series to bridge the gaps between educational levels and flexible transition without losing the efforts of the directors of the educational process, one of the important advantages of the Al-Lisan series that made us prefer it over others when choosing a useful curriculum for our students is its communicative structure. The presentation of texts and exercises was distinguished in a manner that simulates the reality of the widespread use of Arabic among Arabs. The series also facilitated grammar rules by presenting them communicatively in a functional manner that made students realise the importance of grammar in reaching mastery of the four skills. May Allah provide the author of Al-Lisan series all success, and that we see in their works what delights students of knowledge, as we are accustomed to them, from wonderful outputs. Alhamdulillahi first and last

Dr. M. Ali Hasanoglu , Arabic Language Professor at Istanbul Aydın University, Turkey

حقوق السلسلة:

إن هذه السلسلة وسواها من مؤلفات الدكتور مؤمن العنان مسجلة أصولاً في عدة دول ومحمية بموجب قوانين حماية حقوق المؤلفين. وتهيب مؤسسة لسان بأن المساس بحقوق التأليف دون إذن مسبق من د. مؤمن العنان يعرض المعتدين للمساءلة القانونية، وعليه:
لا يجوز نسخ الكتاب أو أي جزء من محتواه أو جزء منه أو نقله بأي شكل أو بأية وسيلة إلكترونية أو رقمية أو ميكانيكية بما في ذلك التصوير والتسجيل والنشر على الشابكة (الانترنت) أو لوحات الإعلانات الإلكترونية أو أنظمة تخزين المعلومات واسترجاعها، أو بأي طريقة أخرى لمعالجة المعلومات أو نقلها كتابة أو تصويرًا أو سماعًا أو كلامًا أو رسومًا، سواء كان بالطرق المعروفة المألوفة أم بوسائل تستجد لاحقًا، إلا بإذن خطي من المؤلف مؤمن العنان حصريًا. جميع الحقوق محفوظة © لمؤمن العنان

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopy, recording, Internet posting, electronic bulletin board or any other information storage and retrieval system, or by any other method, means or process of embodying and/or transmitting information, text or the spoken word now known or hereafter devised without permission in writing from the Author. All rights reserved for Mumin Alannan. © Copyright. 
